Program Visiting Researcher 2022
Visiting Researcher Program 2022
Visiting Researcher - Visiting Researcher
Deskripsi Singkat Program
Program kolaborasi riset antara periset BRIN dengan periset dan praktisi di Perguruan Tinggi atau Industri yang telah berpengalaman dalam bidang kepakarannya.
Peserta program Visiting Researcher mendapatkan insentif dalam bentuk biaya hidup. Besaran insentif ditetapkan dengan keputusan BRIN sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan.
Jangka Waktu Program
Program dilaksanakan selama 1 (satu) bulan sampai dengan 1 (satu) tahun, dan dapat diperpanjang berdasarkan hasil evaluasi oleh Direktorat Manajemen Talenta BRIN.
Persyaratan Peserta
- WNI selain ASN BRIN yang berdomisili di dalam maupun luar negeri; atau
- Latar belakang pendidikan Doktor
- Memiliki pengalaman dan keahlian yang relevan dengan bidang kepakaran yang dipilih, dan dibuktikan dengan bukti rekam jejak (portfolio) kegiatan riset dan inovasi;
- Bagi WNA wajib mendapatkan izin keimigrasian sesuai dengan ketentuan perundang-undangan yang berlaku.
Dokumen Persyaratan yang diperlukan
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup;
- Proposal Penelitian/ Kegiatan;
- Foto diri;
- Ijazah Terakhir;
- Surat Izin dari instansi asal;
- Portofolio Riset dan Inovasi sesuai bidang kepakaran; dan
- Surat pernyataan komitmen pelaksanaan program (format dapat dilihat pada pedoman).
Research collaboration program between National Research & Innovation Agency researchers and researchers and practitioner in Universities or Industries who have experience in their fields of expertise.
Participants of the programs would be given living allowance incentives. The amount of the incentives is determined in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
The program will be held for 1 month up to 1 year, and can be extended based on the evaluation results by the Directorate of Talent Management, National Research and Innovation Agency.
General Requirements
- Home or abroad Indonesian citizens, or foreigner;
- Doctoral graduate;
- Have experience and expertise relevant to the available field of expertise, and able to provide the evidence of traces or portfolio of research and innovation activities;
- Foreigners are required to obtain an immigration permit in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws.
Required Documents
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Proper Self-potrait;
- Research Proposal or Activity Plan;
- Last Diploma;
- Permit from the origin institution;
- Portfolio of research and innovation activities; and
- Statement of Program Implementation Commitment (template of the form can be seen at the handbook)
Luaran | Output
- Publikasi Ilmiah di jurnal internasional bereputasi tinggi (atau yang setara) - Scientific Paper published by highly reputable journal (or equal)
Periode pendaftaran 03 Jan 2022 - 04 Feb 2022
Persyaratan yang harus dilengkapi calon peserta program.
Persyaratan |
Surat Izin dari Instansi Asal
| Permit from Origin Institution |
Portofolio Riset dan Inovasi VR
| Research and Innovation Portfolio VR |
Proposal Penelitian/ Kegiatan
| Activity Plan/ Research Proposal |
Dokumen Komitmen Pelaksanaan Program Visiting Researcher (Form VR-01)
| Visiting Researcher Program Implementation Commitment Document (Form VR-01) |
Daftar Riwayat Hidup PD/VR
| Curriculum Vitae PD/VR |