

Deskripsi Tipe Program

Deskripsi Singkat Program

Program Post-doctoral merupakan program pengembangan kapasitas sumber daya manusia melalui mobilitas periset dalam bentuk kolaborasi riset di BRIN, bagi Warga Negara Indonesia atau warga negara asing yang baru menyelesaikan pendidikan tinggi program doktor (S3).

Tujuan Program

Meningkatkan kompetensi sumber daya manusia periset sehingga berkontribusi untuk peningkatan iklim riset dan inovasi nasional melalui peningkatan jumlah publikasi pada jurnal ilmiah bereputasi tinggi, produk inovatif, dan terjalinnya kerjasama riset nasional ataupun internasional.

Program Type Description


This Post-doctoral program is a program for developing human resource capacity through the mobility of researchers in the form of collaborative research at BRIN, for Indonesian citizens or foreigners who have just completed their higher education doctoral program.


To improve the competence of human resource researchers so as to contribute to improving the national research and innovation climate through increasing the number of publications in high-reputation scientific journals, innovative products, and establishing national or international research collaborations.